Company name: |
Erdöl-Lagergesellschaft m.b.H. |
Address: |
Radlpassstrasse 6 |
Zip code/town/city: |
8502 Lannach |
Tel: |
+43 3136 82300 |
Fax: |
+43 3136 82300-149 |
Website: |
Email: | |
Corporate register no: |
69684b |
Corporate register court: |
Graz provincial civil court |
Administrative authority under the E-Commerce-Gesetz |
Deutschlandsberg district administration |
VAT no: |
ATU27297001 |
Domicile (headquarters): |
Lannach |
Objects of business: |
Assumption and fulfillment of obligations to hold emergency reserves imposed on importers of crude oil and petroleum products by the Oil Stockholding Act 2012. |
Managing Director: |
Stefan Tomann |
Subsidiaries: |
ELG Asset GmbH |
Data protection: |